- at a guess猜一下,粗略估计;
- angle of slide滑动角;
- a slip of the tongue失言,口误;
- a set number of一组数
- a sedentary job久坐不动的工作
- a niche in the temple of fame流芳百世,不朽的名誉;
- a band of一伙;帮;
- by a wide margin广泛的回旋余地,广泛的便宜行事的权力;大幅度;
- bill of entryn.报关单;
- beat a dead horse徒劳无功;炒冷饭;白费口舌;浪费精力;
- cost someone a fortune花了某人一大笔钱
- conservation of massn.质量守恒定律;
- China Council for the Promotion of International Trade中国国际贸易促进委员会
- call a spade a spade有话直说,直言不讳;有一说一;据实而言;说一是一;
- exhibit of lanterns灯笼展览
- frature at hook of hamate哈默特钩上的褶皱
- give someone a ride搭人人
- in consideration of the actual conditions考虑到实际情况
- merchant of death军火制造商,军火商人;
- not have a leg to stand on没有一条腿是可以站立的
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